It is time to cut, build and sell Nativity Sets once again. Because of the time we have been allotted on the church courtyard (Nov 18 / 19 and Dec 2 / 3), the painting, cutting and constructing will be in phases.
The most critical phase is painting and cutting the Nativity figures first.
We will have volunteers paint the 2 ft x 2 ft square’s first. The goal is to have squares painted, dried and ready for you to cutout the Nativity figures by Oct 25th
I need volunteers to pickup squares that evening. We will be doing 32 sets this year to have some to offer at St Gerard’s and / or OLV.
All proceeds will still go to Child Advocacy Center and Special Olympics via the Knights of Columbus, Council 3684.
Contact Mike Pawley, text 803-429-2898. Email: Thanks